Mount Papandayan, West Java, Wandering in the mountains so lucrative sport once seemed impossible, especially if you've never climbed before. No need to worry, here are five mountains can be explored by novice hikers. Mountain climbing is not the only activity they could do a professional. You are not experienced can gain a foothold in 5 of the mountain because the terrain is not too difficult. In addition to the hostile terrain, the landscape in some places will also make you fall in love. 1. Mount Papandayan, Java BaratLangkahkan your feet to the Main Page and explore Mount Papandayan. The ramp and beautiful scenery will accompany you the first ascent. Mas crater, new craters and the crater is a crater Nangklak sulfur will be found here. Mountains with an altitude of 2665 meters above sea level has a unique charm of the edelweiss flower field. Padang is located near the top of the mountain. So, when it meets a beautiful meadow perennial flowers, pretty soon you will reach the foot of the mountain. Not felt, the mountain has been successfully explored! 2. Mount Ungaran, Java City TengahTerletak Ungaran, Semarang can you climb a mountain. Eits, do not jump up, because there are some attractions that can be visited at the foot of the mountain. Gedongsongo temple, as well as several waterfalls and waterfall waterfall Semirang Lawe are some objects that you can go in this sini.Gunung has three peaks, namely parallel Gendol, Botak and Ungaran. Although Gendol and Baldy Peak height is not far from Ungaran, but the highest are Unggaran. Above the altitude of 2050 meters above sea level, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery at the same time 2. In the north you will be hypnotized by the vast expanse of the Java Sea. While in the south, will meet the views of the mountain range: Merapi, Merbabu, Telomoyo, Cleft, also Sindoro.3. Mount Ijen, Java TimurGunung in Banyuwangi, East Java has a flagship destination that can not be overlooked that the crater. The crater is beautiful this morning when a peak of this mountain. Many climbers from home and abroad are willing to climb from early morning to be able to enjoy the sunrise atop Mount Ijen.Gunung is not too difficult to climb, but the track is filled with sand to make the journey a little difficult. Never mind, all the sweat will pay off with a beautiful view of sunrise at an altitude of 2443 mpdl.4. Mount Flores, who has a second NTTGunung crater on its summit is Flores. 3 color lakes that are well known to foreign countries has become a major treat when you reach the top. Mountain, located in Ende, Flores, NTT has a height of 1639 meters above sea level. Not too high, right to your beautiful pemula.Pemandangan climbers along the way will open your eyes that Flores is not only beautiful in marine tourism. The climb was not heavy because the track count landai.5. Sibayak mountain, Sumatra UtaraAda two mountains that characterize the beauty of the City Brastagi, namely Sibayak and Sinabung. The first mountain called it a panorama of exotic and popular among novice hikers. The peak is located at an altitude of 2212 masl, and have a unique shape like a horseshoe. Therefore, the highest point of the mountain is referred to Puncak Kuda.Jalur favorite shoe to reach the summit of Mount Sibayak Five Four is the path. Called so because it is located at 54 KM from the city of Medan. Before you climb, you can eat corn on the cob and grilled. From the entrance path to the summit of Mount Sibayak, the trip takes only 3-4 hours.
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